
AKA my meaningless hyperfixations >:)

Shrines are just little pages i make dedicated to some of my interests. You will notice that a lot of the shrines are for/of video games - that's just because well, i play a lot of video games ;^^

I only really make these pages when i get bored, and because i make them from scratch, they take me a while (about a month i think?) there won't be many updates here. I put a lot of effort and love into each one of these shrines though, so i would appreciate if you at least gave them look, even if you don't know what they're about. Hey, you don't know, you might even find yourself leaving this page with a newfound interest! (or, alternatively, a newfound concern for my sanity....)

~Click on a plush to view it's corresponding shrine!~

(If there's no shrine, it will not have a link)

Yo! get me outta here!