

Note from webmaster: this theme is not permanent. (sorry!) it's sorta like a placeholder, so i can still have a coherent layout while i work out what the main/default theme should be. (but imma definetly add it in as a theme when i make a theme switcher eventually!)

Hey! welcome to my home on the web, silly beanz! (name pending :P) I was inspired to make my own site and spin a place in the interwebs for myself, but when i looked at website hosts, they were kinda... bland (cough cough wix cough cough). By chance, i stumbled upon neocities.. and with some trial and error, silly beanz was born!

My coding isn't great, but i try! Any tips can be left in the chat box or sent to my email. :]


no ai webring previous random next a rectangular green printed circuit board with the words NO AI WEBRING spelled out in light green electrical leads, surrounded by the gold stripes of connectors and a little gold question mark. the O in NO has been turned into a bullet hole and there are two arrows shaped out of leads and gold pads: one to the left, one to the right



Website guardian: 🦁 Chimera
Cringe is Dead || Vocaloid
Internet Obsession: Webrings

webrings & fanlistings!

Look after my pals, will ya? :)

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed! It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!